Going it Alone: A Guide for Solo Mums in the UK


According to the HFEA, around 1000 single women a year register for treatment in licensed fertility clinics in the UK.

Emily Engel took this route in the 1990’s and got involved with the DC Network when her son was born in 1995. She became aware that some issues solo mums face are quite different to those faced by couples, be they gay or straight. As well as the stigma of assisted conception and going against established social norms, there is no partner around to provide the support and validation that is so badly needed on the rocky route to achieving success.

All the books about choosing single parenting came from the USA and rarely consider many cultural factors which affect solo mums in the UK.

For 20 years, Emily was in contact with hundreds of women making the same choice. She promised herself that she would put the experience to good use and she has now completed the book, the first UK guide for would-be ‘solo mums’ and those who are bringing up children having chosen solo motherhood.