MY STORY, MY GIFT – How I became a sperm donor – (for the children of sperm donors – known recipients)


This lovely, beautifully illustrated book is aimed at children from 5-10 yrs. It explains in simple words and pictures how Daddy became a sperm donor because he wanted to do something important to help other people have children.

There is a simple explanation of how you need a sperm from a man and an egg from a woman to make a baby but there is no reference to sex. It talks about how there are different ways to make a family and they come in all shapes and sizes. It assumes you know the family who received the donation. We have another book for sperm donors who don’t know the people who were the recipients.

The book is designed as a simple starting point for parents to begin sharing this information with their child. Parents can then build on that with more precise details as and when it feels appropriate.